Homelessness Continues to Grow in Toronto- Now Declared a National Crisis 2023
Homelessness has grown in large proportions year over year. On average since 2022 three homeless people have died each week.
187 lives were lost while trying to find shelter in 2022.
The number one cause of death for the homeless has been toxic drug supply. New numbers show that the average life expectancy is decades less than general population. For men it is 55 years old and for women it is 42 years.
Stats from the city show that last number of deaths since the start of 2022 were those all under the age of 19.
The homeless population has grown to record numbers, over 10,000 individuals live outside, frequent shelters or are unable call any location a permanent residence.
In 2021 Toronto set a despairing record of 223 deaths, more than 4 a week. In 2022 the total numbered 144 and 2020 ended the year with 128 deaths.