Winter Outreach Ministry
How We Operate
Souls for Christ Ministries exists to Preach the Gospel Message on the streets of Toronto. Along with our preaching ministry we operate a number of Projects that are under our Humanitarian Aid banner. These Projects allow us to provide aid to the most vulnerable who live on the streets. Partners enable us to collect and distribute these essential items all year round. Outreach organizations and churches help by collecting items needed or the funds to purchase the items.
Other Essentials We Provide
All winter we provide essentials like socks, gloves, hats, heavy tops and even boots occasionally. Often times we receive requests which we fill by choice.
Survival Kit Supplies
During the Summer and Winter seasons we provide Survival kits filled with food, clothing, and necessities to those living outside. Many who dwell in tents, or makeshift houses do not have access to toiletries we use daily. Our ministry gathers essential items like soap, shower gel, tooth paste, hand warmers and more distributing it within the necessary season.
Extreme Cold Outreaches
From time to time we hit the streets during the coldest nights to distribute sleeping bags, blankets and warm coats to those living outside once the temperature drops below -10. Items given out are all on a first come first served basis.
Many of the needy who live in shelters or on the streets are more vulnerable and often lose their belongings due to robbery. Through our Mobile Outreach unit we hand out clothing supplies weekly helping many survive the elements of winter.