This was an extremely difficult Winter and now Spring for the homeless here in Toronto. We have been told by Toronto Public Health that 27 Homeless people have died in Toronto due to Hep C viruses, freezing to death, or illnessnes that are unnamed. Many died just in the last 3 months alone.
We are committed to assisting Toronto’s homeless in many ways. Together with various agencies across the
GTA we have partnered to help stop these terrible occurances from happening.
This past Spring we partnered with churches and groups wanting to reach out to the homeless in a
‘Help the Homeless Initiatitive Day” in which we hit the streets with esentials to help those in need.
Together we handed out over 100 sandwiches, over 100 blankets sleeping bags, over 200 healthy snacks and food cards, clothing and Winter Survival Kits and more to assist those needing items inaccessible.
WIth the heat of summer approaching we will be heading to Local agencies committed to help the less fortunate to get water and Summer Survival Kits into the hands of those living in poverty on the streets.
Pray that God uses our efforts and partnerships to stop unnecessary deaths on the streets of Toronto this Summer season.