December is gone and we are ever grateful to God for all that he used us to do throughout 2017. It has been for the most part very cold, and the number of those living outside has largely increased. To date we have handed out over 50 blankets and sleeping bags and over 100 food cards for meals.

As the month went on winter clothing began to really come in and by the end of December we had over

200lbs of winter clothing. But the biggest need was winter coats and by the end of the month, coats were the largest item we had, and that was miraculous.

We backstocked many coats and had almost 100 coats, ready to be handed out during the months ahead.

As the cold alerts were happening -where the city of Toronto announced its too cold for anyone to be living outside we hit the streets as often as we could to help those in need with winter clothing, food cards, for meals winter hats gloves, socks, coats, scarves and much more.

Soon we will be picking up 20 winter survival kits and sleeping bags to get out during the cold days ahead.